Saturday 23 March 2013


Planet Denmark is being a little beyotch lately.
Here we are, early March, and Spring is in the air. The snow is gone, the temperature is hovering around 5 degrees and the early spring blooms can be found littering the ground with their little yellow and white flowers. This Aussie is happy. She can feel the Spring sun on her face when she goes outside and is looking forward to when she doesn't have to wear a parka to check the letterbox.

That is, until the 10th.

We woke up, on my host father's birthday, to this.

As annoying as a younger brother, but pretty as a postcard.

What the eff is this?! IT IS MARCH. Australia's getting it's annual cyclone hammering, and I'm waiting with baited breath for just a little heat. I thought my patience had paid off, but no. BUT NO. It didn't stop. Here we are, 10 days later with a goddamn mini blizzard!

I blame Siberia and Sweden. We don't want yo' sno'.

Anyway, on with the post.

SO! Last time I posted on this blog (nearly a month ago, sorrrrryyyyyyy), I was about to leave for Lalandia with my fellow exchange students.
Instead of commuting over hill and over dale to drag my lifeless body into a wild pit of lions in green and black blazers (sorry that was graphic), I just hopped into the car for half an hour after a nice long sleep-in. No 5:30am start for me! Muahaha.
So I arrived in Lalandia, Lalandia, lalalalala Lalandia-a... you can see the repetitive commercial here... (you'll have to copy and paste it into your URL browser)

With an unknown 3 hours to spare. There were only 3 other students there out of 200, and all were from the USA. So I made some friends :)

Anyway, once all had arrived, we grabbed our bags and headed off to our rooms - which ended up being a good 20 minute walk away. This was probably the most annoying part of the Get2Gether, seeing as I was in the cabin at the very back of the complex. That put me about a kilometre away from freakin' everything.

Calm. Relax. Breathe.

Anyway, I met my roomies, who were all oldies except for little old me! Now, I must explain the Oldie/Newbie shebang that exists in exchange organizations. You see, we have two teams- Winter and a Summer. I am in in the Winter team, seeing as I arrived in Winter and I will leave in Winter. That makes me a Newbie. These Oldies had been here between 6-8 months, so they were all excited to meet me and get my badges, because, as they said: "You're a newbie!! You still have money, a tan, and good badges!"

Well, I DID have good badges. They cleaned me out, goddamn it. On the upside, I now have an abundance of metal and plastic objects covering my own blazer:

Not bad for a Newbie...
We were supposed to be only 8, which would leave a bed for everyone, but some Mexican girl (grr) decided to invite two friends, and so did this other Argentinian girl. So we had people sleeping here, there, and everywhere. That was no problem, I got a bed. But you try to get 12 girls ready for the day in one tiny bathroom! I took to waking up at 6 so I could shower before all the hot water was gone. GRR!
They also gave us a set amount of food to last us for two days of breakfast. fine for 8 girls. For 12 exchange student girls?! I don't think so. Needless to say, we left the house hungry and tired, after cold showers on the morning of the third day. 

But that didn't retract from an awesome weekend!

Now, no matter where you're from, if you're an exchange student in Denmark, you speak mostly English. So, all of our meetings were spoken in English. Now I know what you're thinking - why not Danish?? Well let me just express to you how freakin' difficult Danish is. It's up there with the most difficult languages. 4 years, they told me. 4 FREAKING YEARS TO LEARN IT PROPERLY. And my Danish lessons have just stopped until mid-July. I really need those!
So, that's why we had our meetings in English. Because no one would understand ;)

Anyway, the activities of Lalandia are endless. Where else can you spend time at the Waterpark in the morning, ice skate in the afternoon, bowl before dinner, fake ski, rock climb, use trick trampolines, let the kids go wild in a giant maze of fun and then get a choice of a wide selection of restaurants?!
Every European family should come here in winter. It's a corner of Awesomeness and Bombdiggity.

I also met my twin! Well, my older, Colombian twin. Close enough.

Were we separated at birth, Mamma?

One of the things you learn to perfect is your ability to photobomb. What is photobombing, you ask? well see these examples:

A cute photo with our Danish teacher? I think not...

One does not simply 'take a selfie' without being photobombed...

Finally my turn! Jonty and I in the photobomb game...

So after a weekend of new friends, fun and the first time wearing a bikini in two months, we parted ways, photobombed and badged out. 

And this ties into the beginning of this blog, early march with Spring in the air... nope. Whatup continuity! 
So, as I update this blog, it is the end of march, specifically two hours before my birthday (!!!!!) aaand the snow hasn't stopped. But the snow doesn't come without fun!

(Blogspot isn't letting me attach any more photos so I'm splitting this in half)

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