Saturday 23 March 2013

Snowdate (Part 2!)

So, blogspot's a son of a *bleep* and wouldn't let me post my excellent photos of the remainder of the time that I have had between Lalandia and here. So, without further ado, here is Snowdate part two/dos/due/deux!

Now, being trapped by the very unseasonal snow here doesn't mean I can't have fun!

I had my first day of snefri (literally snow free), which is when it is too snowy to go to school. Well, actually, a half snefri, but it was good all the same! We sat inside and had a real hygge (cozy) time watching Once Upon a Time with Dansk subtitles....

I can't express the joy her facial expression brings me...

I made my first snow angel!

Aaaand We built a snowman! His name is Esmereldo and he's still standing! (because the snow hasn't frigging stopped)

Our homie Esmereldo <3
We're also dating. Oops! I broke a D!
I played with my doggy Sofus and my kitty Maggie in the snow....

Snuggles with the sweetest cat in the universe...

He only loves me because I play a mean game of fetch...

I also owned (lost) at a snowball fight with my host family but no one was there to take pictures because we were all covered in snow, hehehe. 
What isn't so cool is the roads. They're really hard to drive on, which makes it terrifying being in a car with summer tyres and without power steering, being driven by a 19-year-old girl in a hurry. It takes a lot of courage to drive in these gross conditions, so hats off to her. 
If you're reading this, I trust you, Jose ;)

I know this is short and sweet, and besides, it was only going to be the tail end of part one. Also, it's my birthday in Australia, and nearly my birthday here, so you can't get mad. HA!

Until next time,
Vi ses,
Georgia, or dkfgdkgsdgjf as they say in Danish ;)

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